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24-point employee fun activity


In order to make the atmosphere of the company active and cultivate the enthusiasm of active participation, from October 19, 2015, the company has launched a fun activity of the 24-point for employees.

The activity is held every Monday morning at the meeting room on the first floor and the accumulative point ranking is adopted. During this activity, individual participant used his fast operation ability to seckill the whole audience and the activity is constant climax. Even though the computation capabilities of some participants are close, the situations of their answer first are both humorous and intense so that the meeting room bursts into laughter. At the late stage of the competition, there are three teams ranking third prize with respect to points. In order to reflect the principle of fairness and uniqueness, the company finally decided to carry out a knockout competition which became the focus of the fun activity.

At last, three awards are selected through appraisal in the activity and the ranking is respectively the Prolight + Sound Exhibition Department, the Music Exhibition Department and the HR/Credit Department in the from higher-to-lower order.